As a minister, Wendy Potter has special insight into building positive, healthy relationships and finding deliverance from the traps that affect many young people today. Her passion is to see lives changed and people delivered, healed and set free.
Widowed at a young age, Wendy has turned tragedy into triumph through God's amazing grace. Her inspirational message will fill you with hope, purpose and vision.
Wendy Potter is an extraordinary soul winner and believes Proverbs 11:30, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise," is for everyone!
Please contact Wendy to speak at your
• Banquets
• Churches
• Conferences
• Conventions
• Women's Meetings
"Wendy exhibits a refreshing boldness in her teaching and preaching of the Word. She will challenge your faith yet punctuate her messages with humor!”
Rev. R. David Hawley
Delavan, WI
"Wendy Potter is an overcomer and encourager, a 'non-stoppable' ambassador for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Wendy has walked through tragic events in her life and has come out victorious in Christ. She is full of the Word and has experienced its power. I am honored to recommend this mighty woman of God to share with you the strength she has found in the Word of God.”
Pastors Daniel & Joan Olson
Branson, MO
"It is with great joy that I recommend to you the ministry gift of Wendy Potter. Wendy is an extremely gifted communicator of God's Word. Her testimony, humor and anointing is an inspiration to all. You will truly be blessed by this exciting woman of God.”
Rev. Kate McVeigh
Warren, MI
"Wendy has grown into a beautiful and powerful woman of God. She has faced some of life's really tough adversities with character and integrity. Wendy has the ability to lift and motivate people to reach their destiny and potential. Not only do I recommend her highly, but love her dearly. I am very proud to call her my daughter.”
William V. Crouch
Wheaton, IL
"Wendy Potter is a minister with a transparency and genuineness about her that is engaging and truly refreshing. For those who are fortunate enough to hear her minister or spend time with her, it is easy to see that she is person whose faith is built on the firm foundation of a lifetime of prayer and study of the scriptures.
Wendy's father is well known motivational speaker Van Crouch, and it can safely be said that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! She has flown 'under the radar' for many years, ministering primarily when her schedule and family commitments would allow. Wendy is moving into a new season, however, as her children are now older, and she is stepping out in faith, opening herself up to broader ministry opportunities as the Lord opens the doors.
We are pleased to be able to endorse Wendy as an able and effective minister of the Gospel, and we know she would be a tremendous blessing to any church or group looking to hear from a minister who is truly a breath of fresh air..! Her unique ministry experiences and viewpoint are inspiring and unforgettable, and her heart's desire is the building up of the body of Christ. Wendy's commitment to God and to the strengthening of His church are steadfast and unshakeable.
We love Wendy Potter, and we know that you will too!"
Rev. Ray Toucher
Shekinah Glory Ministries